Campus and Community Name Change

Please use the following information and steps when requesting changes to your campus and/or community name.

Step 1: Review definitions of legal, campus, and community name
Step 2: Review Warren Wilson College Name Use policy and Where Names are Used to ensure understanding of how names are used at Warren Wilson College
Step 3: Complete the form in the "Name and Email" section of this page; This form will not change your name in Moodle or Gmail. For details on how to do this visit the Moodle and Gmail section of this page.
Step 4: Review confirmation email - Upon completion of this form, you will receive an email confirming the updates that you made. Please review for accuracy.

Legal Name Change

Currently and formerly enrolled students who wish for a legal name change on Warren Wilson college records should take the following steps:

Step 1: Review the definition of legal name
Step 2: Review Warren Wilson College Name Use policy to ensure understanding of how the legal name is used.
Step 3: Provide government-issued documentation that proves the legal name change request to the Registrar’s Office. This documentation can be provided in one of two ways:

  1. In Person: Name changes may be requested in person at the Office of the Registrar, located in Laursen, second floor, room 207. Requests submitted in person require a current photo ID and specific legal documentation as outlined below. The Request for Name Change form must also be completed.

  2. By Mail: Name changes may be requested by mail. The Request for Name Change form must be completed and signed. Appropriate legal documentation should be attached and both the name change form and documentation must be notarized showing the original notary seal and signature of the notary and mailed to the address listed on the form.

Acceptable types of legal documentation:

The type of legal documentation to include with your request depends upon the type of name change you are requesting. All requests require a current photo ID (state-issued photo ID, driver’s license, or passport) and the following:

  • Adoption: A change of name due to adoption requires the original court order or a notarized copy of the adoption court order.

  • Divorce: A change of name due to divorce requires the original divorce decree or a notarized copy of the divorce decree.

  • Legal Change: A change of name due to legal issues requires the original court order or a notarized copy of the court order.

  • Marriage: A change of name due to marriage requires the original marriage certificate or a notarized copy of the marriage certificate.

  • Corrections: A change of name due to a spelling error requires only your driver's license or a notarized copy of your driver’s license.

  • Other: A change of name for any other reason requires one of the following: current naturalization papers, social security card, or court order of name change or a notarized copy of those that are listed.

If the reason for your name change is not included above, please contact our office to ask about the documentation you should submit. 

All name change requests require the Request for Name Change form to be submitted as well as the legal documentation supporting your request. 

Note: Copies of documentation received that are not notarized will not be accepted. Legal documentation must be notarized or the original copy brought to the Office of the Registrar so that a copy can be made and uploaded to your WWC student record.

Changing Name in Moodle

In Moodle, you can edit your profile there and change your "First Name" to be whatever you like. Recommended: Use your WWC Community name. Teachers and other students will see that name in their course rosters and be more likely to call you with that name.

Changing Name in Google

Here are instructions for updating your name in your Gmail Profile.