Your resume or curriculum vitae (CV) is an indispensable personal marketing tool, an accurate summary of your abilities, education, and experiences. It should highlight your strongest skills so as to differentiate you from other candidates and should work to be self-promotional.
WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE? Resumes and CVs both provide an overview of professional and educational experience. The difference between the two primarily lies in content, purpose, and length.
While there is no one right way to design a resume or CV, this material will help for you to understand how to efficiently and cleanly write a strong resume that is both effective and an extension of yourself. We've created a VIDEO to help you through this process, as well as many helpful tips & examples below.
What about ChatGPT? - This tool can be a great time saver when it comes to crafting a resume, but you still need to know a great deal about the position you are seeking and your prior experiences and skills in order to provide it with the best information. A few articles you may find helpful include: this article on LinkedIn, this one on Teal ,  & this one from WSU. And remember, the resume is just the first ticket in the door. Even if you have a great AI-generated resume you must be sure that your interview answers & skills match what you say on the resume, don't overpromise and underdeliver!Â
This resume reflects a student's gap year experience.
This resume focuses on coursework for experience.