The Office of the Registrar contributes to the college's mission by upholding academic integrity, overseeing academic policies, ensuring the accuracy of student records, and supporting students towards degree attainment. We are dedicated to delivering exceptional service to students, faculty, staff, alumni, and the broader community, guided by principles of equity, collaboration, responsiveness, transparency, and accuracy.
Regular Hours: The Registrar's Office can be reached in person, by phone, and by email between 8:00 am - 5:00 pm during the academic year with limited availability between 12:00-1:00. Voicemails and faxes may be responded to within the following business day. We're unable to respond to inquiries over the weekend or on observed holidays.
Summer Hours: The Office will keep normal business hours, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Monday-Thursday. The Office will be closed on Fridays, and transcript requests will not be processed on Fridays. Please plan accordingly.
Holiday Hours and Closures: The Registrar's Office will close during observed campus holidays and portions of student breaks. This includes Labor Day, half of Fall Break, Thanksgiving Break, half of Winter Break, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, half of Spring Break, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, and the Fourth of July. No services will be available during these closures, and transcripts will not be processed during these closures. Please plan accordingly.
The breadth of information allowed to be dispersed from the Registrar's Office about individual students to families and other third party is dictated by FERPA guidelines. Requests from families and third parties requesting information about a student may not be fulfilled or may be sent to students for consultation. For more information about FERPA guidelines and how to set permissions, please click here or email [email protected].
Email: All emails should be sent to [email protected] rather than to individual staff members. Emails sent to individual staff may not be directed to the correct staff member for a response as quickly as those sent to the office email. Email requests regarding student records should include the legal name of the student during time of attendance and a student ID number if possible. We attempt to respond to email requests within 3-5 business days, but may need to request more information from you, consult with another campus office, or take some more time to look into your request.
Students should read their WWC emails daily. Any important dates, deadlines, instructions, and time-sensitive announcements from the Registrar's Office will be sent to students via email.
Phone: Some requests and information may not be resolved over the phone. Voicemails will be responded to within 3-5 business days. Please include name, student ID number, and a brief message about your request in any voicemails.
Brooke Millsaps, Registrar and Dean of Academic Administration
Judith Huber, Associate RegistrarProcesses Faculty forms, Transfer/Degree Audit review forms, Petitions for Exception; builds course catalog and schedule, etc
Rebecca Hettrick, Assistant RegistrarProcesses Major, Minor, Catalog, Add, and Withdrawal forms; Graduation application, graduation management, and graduate outreach; Student communications; myWWC page management; Crew supervisor
Leda Wyszynski, Transcript Specialist Fulfills transcript requests; Enrollment verification; Transfer credit evaluations