
In case of a crisis after hours:


First contact your Resident Advisor (RA) on call, see below for contact information based on where you are on campus: 

Ballfields RA on Duty: 828-571-0050 (Eco, Elmslie, Korevec, Wellness, Antc, Sutton, Shepard)

Central Zone RA on Duty: 828-675-8455 (Sunderland, Vinings, Villages)

Sage Circle RA on Duty: 828-357-7243 (Sage, Stephenson, Schafer A-C, Dorland)


In situations where imminent danger is a possibility, contact

Public Safety  828-230-4592 IMMEDIATELY

or 911


For students in potentially dangerous crisis situations seeking to consult with a crisis specialist NOT affiliated with WWC, the Mobile Crisis Management  

program is accessible 24/7, and if contacted they will send out a crisis counselor to your location Mobile Crisis Management Program 888-573-1006