We are taking the important first steps to launch the Strategic Action Framework process in which the College will engage over the next five months. The Warren Wilson College community must come together with a singular purpose: to ensure a future for our College and in so doing contribute to a better future for all. This is the foundation for further thought and collaboration.

The Board of Trustees, President Damián J. Fernández, and faculty and executive leadership have reviewed recent reports and studies about the higher education landscape, the College’s academic and co-curricular strengths, enrollment pressures and campus needs. This review was conducted in the context of the College’s mission:

Warren Wilson College’s distinctive approach to education intentionally integrates academics, work, and community engagement to cultivate curiosity, empathy, and integrity. We empower graduates to pursue meaningful careers and lead purposeful lives dedicated to a just, equitable, and sustainable world.

Our overall goal of the Strategic Action Framework process is the renewal of the College. The process will call for all of your involvement, creativity, and imagination as we craft the right road map for our future. Together we will create a Strategic Action Framework that will rebalance the College by realigning programs and enrollment with a sustainable business model while launching new non-tuition revenue-generating ventures. Ours will not be a traditional, ordinary Strategic Plan, but rather one that establishes a shared vision and a set of actions to get us there.

We anticipate that the Strategic Action Framework will focus on three priorities:

  1. Recovery: Taking the first steps toward financial sustainability and designing new approaches to generating resources for faculty, staff, and students to thrive.
  2. Rebalancing: Invigorating our academic portfolio, enhancing our distinctive excellence, growing enrollment, and investing in critical areas for renewal.
  3. Renewal: Advancing student success and ensuring our future.