Warren Wilson Semester or Year Away Exchange Programs

Warren Wilson College offers numerous, affordable semester and year-long exchange study away programs.

  • When you participate in these Warren Wilson programs you will remain registered at Warren Wilson, pay Warren Wilson tuition, and maintain all of your financial aid including WWC scholarships, institutional, state and federal grants, and loans up to the cost of your Warren Wilson tuition. You will not be awarded funding for your work program participation because you will not be working, but the rest of your aid can be applied to your tuition during your semester or year away with these programs.
  • Learn more about finances for ISEP programs
  • Learn more about finances for non-ISEP exchange programs

Once you have been accepted into a Warren Wilson College exchange semester or year study away program the Global Engagement Office will notify the Financial Aid Office about your plans. The Financial Aid Office will reevaluate your eligibility for aid. Please begin application process for these programs at least six months in advance.

If your study away application includes forms that require information and signatures from the Financial Aid Office, it is imperative that you bring these documents to the Financial Aid Office no less than two weeks before any deadlines. The Financial Aid Office cannot guarantee completion of forms within your deadline if they are turned in less than two weeks before the day it is due.

Contact the Financial Aid Office for more information about how your aid will be affected by your study away experience.

Warren Wilson Approved Programs with SIT, CIEE, CISabroad, Barcelona SAE, FIE, and SEA 

If you receive federal and/or state financial aid, you may choose to participate in a School for International Training (SIT) , selected Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) study away programs, Center for International Studies (CISAbroad)Barcelona Study Abroad and Internship Experts (Barcelona SAE)Foundation for International Education (FIE) or SEA Education Association while remaining enrolled as a Warren Wilson student. However, you will pay program fees directly to the program you are studying away through, not to Warren Wilson.

  • You will not receive WWC scholarships, WWC grants, or work credit as part of your financial aid, but your federal loans, federal grants, limited state money and private educational loans may be applied to your costs with SIT, CIEE, CIS, Barcelona SAE, or SEA. In addition, your continued enrollment at WWC will keep all of your educational loans in an “in-school” deferred status. Students must pay an administrative fee to Warren Wilson to remain enrolled.
  • Learn more about finances for External Partner Programs

Once you have received approval to participate in a Warren Wilson approved program with SIT or CIEE, the International Programs Office will notify the Financial Aid Office about your plans. The Financial Aid Office will reevaluate your eligibility for aid. Please begin application process for these programs at least six months in advance.

If your study away application includes forms that require information and signatures from the Financial Aid Office, it is imperative that you bring these documents to the Financial Aid Office no less than two weeks before any deadlines. The Financial Aid Office cannot guarantee completion of forms within your deadline if they are turned in less than two weeks before the day it is due.

Contact the Financial Aid Office for more information about how your aid will be affected by your study away experience.

Non-Warren Wilson Approved Study Away Programs

With prior academic permission, students may participate in a US-accredited, non-Warren Wilson study away program. If you choose this option, you will not be eligible for any financial aid (institutional, federal, or state) through Warren Wilson College since you will not be registered as a student at WWC. You will need to talk with GEO and your academic advisor about your to return as a continuing student at WWC, register for classes on time, and maintain eligibility for potential scholarship renewal.

Once you have received academic permission to participate in a non-WWC approved study away program, the Global Engagement Office will notify the Financial Aid Office about your plans.

Contact the Financial Aid Office for more information about how your aid will be affected by your study away experience.

Loan Repayment

Please note that some private educational loans may become due and payable. Check with your lender.