All personally-owned and many college-owned devices (laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc) should select "WWC" from the list of available networks. This is an open network that will prompt you to answer a series of questions. Please read below first, then contact ITS for connection assistance if necessary.
- Select "WWC" from the list of available networks
- When prompted, click the alert that says "this network requires sign in" similar to many public WiFi networks at airports, coffee shops, stores.
- Review the Terms & Conditions and check the box if you Agree. Click "Start" to continue.
- Students & Employees can select the top option to log in with your primary network username (first part of email address) and password. This option is recommended for all current accounts for improved performance. Only select "Guests & Visitors" if you do not have a WWC account.
- Follow the remaining prompts as directed. Students & employees will need to login while guests can enter a cell#, personal email address, or voucher pass to get temporary access.
Note: The "WWC-WiFi" network is deprecated. If you have this on any personally-owned devices, please remove/forget this network asap and join "WWC" as noted above. Access will be phased out over the course of FY22-23.