Authorization to Release FAFSA and FERPA Protected Information
This form may be requested if financial aid information needs to be released to an outside party.
Cost of Attendance Adjustment Form
Use this form to request an adjustment to your financial aid budget, which may then allow you to apply for additional private/federal loans to cover outside expenses. Documentation of additional expenses is required, as listed on the form.
Dependent Student Household Form
This form may be requested if adjustments or corrections need to be made to the household information portion of the FAFSA.
Intention to Utilize VA Benefits
This form is required if you are applying to use VA benefits at WWC.
Loan Adjustment Form
This form can be used to request adjustments to previously accepted loan offers. Federal loan offers cannot be increased over their semester/yearly limits, and loans may not be eligible for updates after two weeks have elapsed from the date of disbursement.
Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal
We will request this form if you are eligible to appeal your Satisfactory Academic Progress status.
Satisfactory Academic Progress Academic Plan
We will request this form if you are eligible to appeal your Satisfactory Academic Progress status.
Scholarship Appeal Form
This form can be submitted in certain circumstances to request a reevaluation, extension, or reinstatement of some institutional scholarships. Please consult with our office prior to submitting this form.
Special Circumstances Appeal Form
This form is used in specific circumstances to enable a reevaluation of aid. Documentation is required as listed by circumstance on the form, and the completion of the form does not guarantee a successful appeal or the offer of additional aid. Please discuss your situation with our office before submitting this form.
Summer Aid Request Form
Complete this form to request that unused federal aid eligibility be used to go towards charges for classes taken in the summer. Completion of this form does not guarantee the availability of summer aid.
Unusual Circumstances Appeal Form
This form is required to request an appeal of the dependency status listed on your FAFSA. Please communicate with our office prior to submitting this form, as only specific situations are applicable, and substantial documentation is required.