The following provides an overview of the Equal Opportunity, Harassment, and Nondiscrimination Policy and procedure. Please see the full policy information here.
For situations where there is a risk of imminent or immediate danger due to situations related to Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Intimate Partner Violence (Relationship Violence), Stalking and Gender Violence:
call Public Safety at 828.230.4592 or call 911.
For advocacy, support and resources related to this policy, contact:
Counseling and Wellness
Ext. 3799 – Crisis Hotline (Evenings and Weekends) 828-337-3264
Members of the Warren Wilson College community, guests and visitors have the right to be free from all forms of violence and abuse, including sexual and relationship violence, stalking, sexual harassment and hate crimes. These rights are established through College policy and federal laws and will be made known to the campus community through various educational programs designed to promote an awareness and prevention of sexual misconduct, interpersonal and gender violence. All members of the campus community, including guests and visitors, are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that does not infringe upon the rights of others. When allegations of misconduct are brought to the administration’s attention and a respondent is found to have violated this policy, sanctions will be used to reasonably ensure that such actions are never repeated.
Rationale for the Equal Opportunity, Harassment, and Nondiscrimination Policy
Warren Wilson College is committed to providing a workplace and educational environment, as well as other benefits, programs, and activities, that are free from discrimination and harassment based on a protected category, and retaliation for engaging in a protected activity.
Warren Wilson College values and upholds the equal dignity of all members of its community and strives to balance the rights of the parties in the grievance process during what is often a difficult time for all involved.
To ensure compliance with federal, state, and local civil rights laws and regulations, and to affirm its commitment to promoting the goals of fairness and equity in all aspects of the educational program or activity, Warren Wilson College has developed policies and procedures that provide a prompt, fair, and impartial process for those involved in an allegation of discrimination or harassment on the basis of protected characteristic status, and for allegations of retaliation.
This policy provides members of the Warren Wilson College community, including guests and visitors, with the ability to file a report of interpersonal violence in a safe and respectful way, as well as the ability for students to respond to a report in a safe and respectful way. People who experience interpersonal violence have the right to decide whether or not to file an anonymous, informal or formal report, or no report at all. The policy that follows applies to situations in which interpersonal violence has been committed by a student and therefore relates to the College’s response to student behavior. For information on interpersonal violence committed by staff, faculty or supervisors, see the section at the end of the policy entitled “Interpersonal Violence by a College Employee.”
If you would like to provide feedback regarding this policy, you can do so by contacting the Director of Counseling and Wellness, the Interim Dean of Student Life, or the Title IX Coordinator.
Formal Reports
Tacci Smith, Title IX Coordinator
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 828-771-3800
Office: Dodge House 2nd floor*
*Please note that all staff located in Dodge House have been temporarily relocated to the bottom level of Sunderland Hall.
Informal and/or Anonymous Reports
Mariel Epstein-Olsen, Counseling and Wellness Director
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 828-771-3799
Office: Vining C
Applicable Scope
The core purpose of this policy is the prohibition of all forms of discrimination. Sometimes, discrimination involves exclusion from or different treatment in activities, such as admission, athletics, or employment. At other times, discrimination takes the form of harassment or, in the case of sex-based discrimination, it can encompass sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking, sexual exploitation, dating violence, or domestic violence. When an alleged violation of this nondiscrimination policy is reported, the allegations are subject to resolution using Warren Wilson College’s “Process A” or “Process B,” as determined by the Title IX Coordinator, and as detailed in the full linked policy document.
When the Respondent is a member of the Warren Wilson College community, a Formal Complaint may be filed and a grievance process may be available regardless of the status of the Complainant, who may or may not be a member of the Warren Wilson College community. This community includes, but is not limited to, students, student organizations, faculty, administrators, staff, and third parties such as guests, visitors, volunteers, vendors, contractors, invitees, and campers. The procedures below may be applied to incidents, to patterns, and/or to the campus culture/climate, all of which may be addressed and investigated in accordance with this Policy.
Warren Wilson College recognizes that reports and/or Formal Complaints under this Policy may include multiple forms of discrimination and harassment as well as violations of other Warren Wilson College policies; may involve various combinations of students, employees, and other members of the Warren Wilson College community; and may require the simultaneous attention of multiple Warren Wilson College departments. Accordingly, all Warren Wilson College departments will share information, combine efforts, and otherwise collaborate, to the maximum extent permitted by law and consistent with other applicable Warren Wilson College policies, to provide uniform, consistent, efficient, and effective responses to alleged discrimination and harassment or retaliation.
Title IX Coordinator and Deputies
Title IX Coordinator
Student Life
Tacci Smith
[email protected]
Dodge House, 2nd floor*
Title IX Deputies
Academic Support Services
Lyn O’Hare
[email protected]
Morse, 3rd floor
Academics (faculty)
Gary Hawkins
[email protected]
Jensen 203
Academics (students)
Carol Howard
[email protected]
Laursen, 2nd floor
Dani Hammond
[email protected]
Orr Cottage
Joni Williamson
[email protected]
DeVries, 2nd floor
Debra Allerby
[email protected]
New Academic Building 2nd floor
Residence Life
RJ Chittams
[email protected]
Dodge House, 2nd floor*
Center for Experiential Learning
Paul Bobbit
[email protected]
Log Cabin
*Please note that all staff located in Dodge House have been temporarily relocated to the bottom level of Sunderland Hall.
Notice or complaints of discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation may be made using any of the following options:
- File a report or Formal Complaint with, or give verbal notice to, the Title IX Coordinator at [email protected] or calling 828-771-3768. Such a report or Formal Complaint may be made at any time (including during non-business hours) by using the telephone number or email address, or by mail, to the office listed for the Title IX Coordinator or any other official listed.
- Report online, using the reporting form posted at
- As a reporting student (the person reporting an alleged policy violation) you can contact the Counseling and Wellness Director Mariel Epstein-Olsen at [email protected] or 828-771-3799 to file an informal or anonymous report. This is a way to document your experiences, seek support, and explore having some of your needs met such as room changes, work crew changes, class changes, etc. without pursuing a formal report. With this option there would not be a formal investigation of the charges and no disciplinary action would be possible against the person named in the report, although a report of the incident without identifying information will be provided to the Title IX Coordinator.
- Anonymous reports are accepted but can give rise to a need to investigate to determine if the parties can be identified. If not, no further formal action is taken, though measures intended to protect the community may be enacted. Warren Wilson College tries to provide supportive measures to all Complainants, which may be impossible with an anonymous report that does not identify the Complainant.
- Because reporting carries no obligation to initiate a formal response, and because Warren Wilson College respects Complainant requests to dismiss complaints unless there is a compelling threat to health and/or safety, the Complainant is largely in control and should not fear a loss of confidentiality by making a report that allows Warren Wilson College to discuss and/or provide supportive measures.
- Employees can also report to the Human Resources Office by contacting: Heather M. Schalk, Director of Human Resources, 828.771.2048, [email protected].
As used in this Policy, the term “Formal Complaint” means a document or electronic submission (such as by electronic mail or through an online portal provided by Warren Wilson College for this purpose) that contains the Complainant’s physical or digital signature, or otherwise indicates that the Complainant is the person filing the complaint, and requests that Warren Wilson College investigate the allegations. If notice is submitted in a form that does not meet this standard, the Title IX Coordinator will contact the Complainant to ensure that it is filed correctly.
Warren Wilson College will offer and implement appropriate and reasonable supportive measures to the parties upon notice of alleged harassment, discrimination, and/or retaliation. Please see the full policy document linked in the 7.3.2 heading above for details of Supportive Measures.
Please see the full policy document linked in the 7.3.3 heading above for details of Confidentiality and Privacy.
Includes information related to discrimination on the basis of gender identity or expression. Please see the full policy document linked in the 7.3.4 heading for details of the Policy on Nondiscrimination.
Please see the full policy document linked in the 7.3.5 heading above for details of the Disability Discrimination and Accommodation Policy.
Provides information regarding to the specific forms of legally prohibited harassment that are also prohibited under Warren Wilson College Policy and related definitions, including: discriminatory harassment, sexual harassment, quid pro quo, sexual assault, dating violence, domesitc violence, stalking, Unethical Relationships Policy, force, coersion, consent, incapacitation, sexaul exploitation, harm/endangerment, discrimination, intimidation, hazing, and bullying. Please see the full policy document linked in the 7.3.6 heading above for details of the Discriminatory Harassment Policy.
8.3.7 Intimate Partner Violence (Relationship Violence)
Given the unique nature of intimate partner violence (IPV), Warren Wilson College developed the following policy to address the dynamics of abuse that can occur in relationships (IPV – sometimes referred to as dating violence, relationship violence, or domestic violence). Intimate Partner Violence Behaviors:
Intimate Partner Violence is a pattern of behavior that one partner exerts over the other for the purpose of establishing and maintaining power and control. This type of violence does not require sexual intimacy. The term ‘partner’ for this policy will include: current or former partner(s); and will include persons who are married or living together as a couple to persons who are dating or who consider themselves a couple (individuals engaged in a primary romantic and/or sexual relationship with another) but have separate living arrangements.
IPV can vary in frequency and severity. It occurs on a continuum, ranging from name calling, to a single hit that may or may not impact the victim to chronic, severe mental abuse and battering.
There are four main types of intimate partner violence:
- Physical violence: is the intentional use of physical force with the potential for causing death, disability, injury, or harm. Physical violence includes, but is not limited to, scratching; pushing; shoving; throwing; grabbing; biting; choking; shaking; slapping; punching; burning; use of a weapon; and use of restraints or one's body, size, or strength against another person.
- Sexual violence: is a sexual act without consent.
- Threats of physical or sexual violence: use of words, gestures, or weapons to communicate the intent to cause death, disability, injury, or physical harm.
- Psychological/emotional violence: involves trauma to the victim caused by acts, threats of acts, or coercive tactics. Psychological/emotional abuse can include, but is not limited to, humiliating the victim, controlling what the victim can and cannot do, withholding information from the victim, deliberately doing something to make the victim feel diminished or embarrassed, isolating the victim from friends and family, and denying the victim access to money or other basic resources. It is also considered psychological/emotional violence when there has been prior physical or sexual violence or prior threat of physical or sexual violence. (Saltzman, et al. 2002)
In addition, stalking is often included among the types of IPV.
8.3.8 Stalking
Stalking is a course of conduct defined as a pattern of actions comprised of more than one act over a period of time, however short, evidencing a continuity of conduct. Stalking can be further defined as a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear or suffer substantial emotional distress. (Violence Against Women Act and the Stalking Resource Center)
Stalking generally refers to, "harassing or threatening behavior that an individual engages in repeatedly, such as following a person, appearing at a person's home or place of business, making harassing phone calls, leaving written messages or objects, or vandalizing a person's property" (Tjaden & Thoennes 1998). Stalking Behaviors:
Stalking includes any behaviors or activities occurring on more than one occasion that collectively instill fear in a victim, and/or threaten her or his safety, mental health, or physical health. Such behaviors and activities may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Non-consensual communication, including face-to-face communication, telephone calls, voice messages, e-mails, text messages, written letters, gifts, or any other communications that are undesired and place another person in fear.
- Use of online, electronic, or digital technologies, including, but not limited to:
- Posting of pictures or information in chat rooms or on Web sites
- Sending unwanted/unsolicited email or talk/chat/text requests
- Posting private or public messages on Internet sites, social networking sites, and/or school bulletin boards
- Installing spyware on a victim’s computer
- Using Global Positioning Systems (GPS) to monitor a victim
- The unauthorized use of user names and passwords, PIN(s), and/or online identity
- Pursuing, following, waiting, or showing up uninvited at or near a residence, workplace, classroom, or other places frequented by the victim
- Surveillance or other types of observation, including staring, “peeping”
- Trespassing
- Vandalism
- Non-consensual touching
- Direct verbal or physical threats
- Gathering information about an individual from friends, family, and/or co-workers
- Threats to harm self or others
- Defamation – lying to others about the victim. Safety for Victims of Stalking
Warren Wilson is committed to supporting victims of stalking by providing the necessary safety and support services. Student victims of stalking are entitled to reasonable accommodations. Due to the complex nature of this problem, a reporting student may need additional assistance in obtaining one or more of the following:
- No-contact order
- Services of a victim advocate
- Change in an academic schedule
- Provision of alternative housing opportunities
- The imposition of an interim measures on the accused
- The provision of resources for medical and/or psychological support
For assistance obtaining these safety accommodations, please contact Counseling and Wellness in Vining Cl or 828-771-3799, the Residence Life and Housing Office, and/ the Dean of Students Office both in Dodge House* or at 828-771-3802.
*Please note that all staff located in Dodge House have been temporarily relocated to the bottom level of Sunderland Hall.
If safety is an immediate concern, encourage the victim to contact law enforcement or Public Safety at 828-230-4592 for assistance.
Warren Wilson College community encourages the reporting of misconduct and crimes by Complainants and witnesses. Sometimes, complainants or witnesses are hesitant to report to Warren Wilson College officials or participate in grievance processes because they fear that they themselves may be in violation of certain policies, such as underage drinking or use of illicit drugs at the time of the incident. Respondents may hesitate to be forthcoming during the process for the same reasons.
It is in the best interests of the Warren Wilson College community that Complainants choose to report misconduct to Warren Wilson College officials, that witnesses come forward to share what they know, and that all parties be forthcoming during the process.
To encourage reporting and participation in the process, Warren Wilson College maintains a policy of offering parties and witnesses amnesty from minor policy violations – such as underage consumption of alcohol or the use of illicit drugs – related to the incident.
Amnesty does not apply to more serious allegations such as physical abuse of another or illicit drug distribution. The decision not to offer amnesty is based on neither sex nor gender, but on the fact that collateral misconduct is typically addressed for all students within a progressive discipline system, and the rationale for amnesty – the incentive to report serious misconduct – is rarely applicable to Respondent with respect to a Complainant.
Sometimes, students are hesitant to assist others for fear that they may get in trouble themselves (for example, an underage student who has been drinking or using marijuana might hesitate to help take an individual who has experienced sexual assault to Public Safety).
Warren Wilson College maintains a policy of amnesty for students who offer help to others in need. Although policy violations cannot be overlooked, Warren Wilson College may provide purely educational options with no official disciplinary finding, rather than punitive sanctions, to those who offer their assistance to others in need.
Sometimes, employees are hesitant to report harassment or discrimination they have experienced for fear that they may get in trouble themselves. For example, an employee who has violated the unethical relationship policy and is then assaulted in the course of that relationship might hesitate to report the incident to Warren Wilson College officials.
Warren Wilson College may, at its discretion, offer employee Complainants amnesty from such policy violations (typically more minor policy violations) related to the incident. Amnesty may also be granted to Respondents and witnesses on a case-by-case basis.
8.3.10 Resolution Process for Alleged Violations
Please view the full Resolution Process for “Process A” here. Please see below for a summary of the process with links to the full content of each section.
Upon receipt of a complaint or notice of an alleged policy violation to the Title IX Coordinator, the Title IX Coordinator initiates a prompt initial assessment to determine the next steps Warren Wilson College needs to take. The Title IX Coordinator will contact the Complainant to offer supportive measures and determine whether the Complainant wishes to file a Formal Complaint.
The Title IX Coordinator will initiate at least one of three responses:
Offering supportive measures because the Complainant does not want to file a formal complaint
An informal resolution (upon submission of a Formal Complaint)
A Formal Grievance Process including an investigation and a hearing (upon submission of a Formal Complaint).
Warren Wilson College uses the Formal Grievance Process as described below to determine whether or not the Policy has been violated. If so, Warren Wilson College will promptly implement effective remedies designed to ensure that it is not deliberately indifferent to harassment or discrimination, their potential recurrence, and/or their effects.
Following receipt of notice or a complaint of an alleged violation of this Policy, the Title IX Coordinator engages in an initial assessment, typically within one to five business days. Please see the link in the heading above for the fully policy information regarding initial assessments.
The parties may each have an Advisor of their choice present with them for all meetings, interviews, and hearings within the resolution process, if they so choose. The parties may select whoever they wish to serve as their Advisor as long as the Advisor is eligible and available.
Choosing an Advisor who is also a witness in the process creates potential for bias and conflict of interest. A party who chooses an Advisor who is also a witness can anticipate that issues of potential bias will be explored by the hearing Decision-maker(s).
Warren Wilson College may permit parties to have more than one Advisor upon special request to the Title IX Coordinator. The decision to grant this request is at the sole discretion of the Title IX Coordinator and will be granted equitably to all parties.
a. Who Can Serve as an Advisor
The Advisor may be a friend, mentor, family member, attorney, or any other individual a party chooses to advise, support, and/or consult with them throughout the resolution process. The parties may choose Advisors from inside or outside of the Warren Wilson College community.
The Title IX Coordinator will also offer to assign a trained Advisor to any party if the party so chooses. If the parties choose an Advisor from the pool available from Warren Wilson College, the Advisor will have been trained by Warren Wilson College and be familiar with Warren Wilson College’s resolution process.
If the parties choose an Advisor from outside the pool of those identified by Warren Wilson College, the Advisor may not have been trained by Warren Wilson College and may not be familiar with Warren Wilson College policies and procedures.
Parties also have the right to choose not to have an Advisor in the initial stages of the resolution process, prior to a hearing.
Please see the full policy linked in the heading above for more information on the role and expectations of an advisor.
Three options for Informal Resolution are detailed in this section. Please see the full policy linked in the heading above for all information regarding Informal Resolutions.
- Supportive Resolution: When the Title IX Coordinator can resolve the matter informally by providing supportive measures (only) to remedy the situation.
- Alternative Resolution: When the parties agree to resolve the matter through an alternate resolution mechanism as described below, including mediation, restorative practices, etc., usually before a formal investigation takes place; see discussion in b., below.
- Accepted Responsibility: When the Respondent accepts responsibility for violating policy, and desires to accept sanction(s) and end the Resolution Process; see discussion in c., below.
The Title IX Coordinator will provide written notice of the investigation and allegations (the “NOIA”) to the Respondent upon commencement of the Formal Grievance Process. This facilitates the Respondent’s ability to prepare for the interview and to identify and choose an Advisor to accompany them. The NOIA is also copied to the Complainant, who will be given advance notice of when the NOIA will be delivered to the Respondent.
Please see the full policy linked in the heading above for details of the Formal Grievance Process and timeline of investigation.
All investigations are thorough, reliable, impartial, prompt, and fair. Investigations involve interviews with all relevant parties and witnesses; obtaining available, relevant evidence; and identifying sources of expert information, as necessary.
Please see the full policy linked in the heading above for details of the Formal Grievance Process and timeline of investigation.
Factors considered when determining a sanction/responsive action may include, but are not limited to:
- The nature, severity of, and circumstances surrounding the violation(s)
- The Respondent’s disciplinary history
- The need for sanctions/responsive actions to bring an end to the discrimination,
- harassment, and/or retaliation
- The need for sanctions/responsive actions to prevent the future recurrence of
- discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation
- The need to remedy the effects of the discrimination, harassment, and/or
- retaliation on the Complainant and the community
- The impact on the parties
- Any other information deemed relevant by the Decision-maker(s)
The sanctions will be implemented as soon as is feasible, either upon the outcome of any appeal or the expiration of the window to appeal without an appeal being requested.
Please see the full policy linked in the heading above for a detailed list of sanctions.
Any party may file a request for appeal (“Request for Appeal”), but it must be submitted in writing to the Title IX Coordinator within 3 days of the delivery of the Notice of Outcome.
A three-member appeal panel chosen from the Pool will be designated by the Title IX Coordinator OR a single Appeal Decision-maker will Chair the appeal. No appeal panelists or Decision-maker will have been involved in the process previously, including in any dismissal appeal that may have been heard earlier in the process.
The Request for Appeal will be forwarded to the Appeal Chair or designee for consideration to determine if the request meets the grounds for appeal (a Review for Standing). This review is not a review of the merits of the appeal, but solely a determination as to whether the request meets the grounds and is timely filed.
Please see the full policy linked in the heading above for information regarding Grounds for Appeal, Sanction Status during Appeal, and Appeal Considerations.
Following the conclusion of the resolution process, and in addition to any sanctions implemented, the Title IX Coordinator may implement additional long-term remedies or actions with respect to the parties and/or the campus community that are intended to stop the harassment, discrimination, and/or retaliation, remedy the effects, and prevent reoccurrence.
Please see the full policy linked in the heading above for a full list of Long Term Remedies and Other Actions.
Please use the linked heading above for the full list of rights of parties.
8.3.16 Advocacy and Support Resources Regarding Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Intimate Partner Violence (Relationship Violence) and Stalking
Counseling and Wellness
Ext. 3799 – Crisis Hotline (Evenings and Weekends) 828.337.3264. Please note that the crisis line is for emergencies. If something occurred in the past that you want to process with a Warren Wilson counselor (or for a referral to an off campus counselor), please email Mariel Epstein Olsen at [email protected] with the subject line Urgent Appointment Request and she will get back to you as soon as possible. Our Voice in Asheville offers a free 24/7 crisis line that is available for both emergencies and processing previous incidences. Their number is (828) 242-0562 Confidential Services:
Counseling and Wellness addresses campus issues of gender, sexuality, sexual assault with particular attention to relationship violence, stalking, consent, healthy communication relationships, safer sex, and LGBTQIA* concerns. Our first goal is to keep safe those who choose to report incidents of violence. To the degree that we can maintain the anonymity of the person making a report, we will. However, we are also accountable to state and federal laws, including Title IX. When any person talks to the Wellness staff and it is believed that someone violated our policies, we may be required to investigate the report.
The College does offer confidential services through Counseling and Wellness. This is a wonderful option for students who are seeking support and are not wishing to make a report, or who are feeling the need to maintain control of the situation. Counseling and Wellness provides counseling services where strict confidentiality is maintained. Aside from situations that involve imminent danger to self or others, or abuse of children or dependent adults, counselors are bound by ethical guidelines to maintain the privacy of all conversations not meeting the above exceptions. Options for Victims/Survivors, Families and Friends:
A person who experiences sexual misconduct can respond in a variety of ways. If the incident has just happened, you may want to contact Our VOICE (a local non-profit crisis intervention and prevention agency which serves victims of sexual violence) at 828.255.7576, go to Mission Hospital for medical treatment and/or have evidence collected; for situations of intimate partner violence, you can call Helpmate (a local provider of crisis-level services designed specifically for - and offered exclusively to - victims of domestic violence and their children) at 828.254.0516. Contacting Our VOICE,, Helpmate and/or Warren Wilson Counseling and Wellness(the Crisis Line number is 828.337.3264) are always options regardless of when the assault occurred, but having evidence collected by medical professionals (in Asheville, this happens at Mission hospital) needs to happen as soon as possible.
Some continuing options include:
- Seeking Support
- Speaking with Mariel Epstein Olsen, the Counseling and Wellness Director about your experiences, and having questions answered.
- Receiving follow-up medical treatment at the WWC Health Center, Planned Parenthood or another area doctor.
- Participating in a survivor support group through Our VOICE.
- Participating in counseling at the WWC Counseling Center, Our VOICE, or another place selected by you.
- Filing a Report
- Filing a formal report with the Title IX Coordinator. There is no time limit for filing any kind of on campus report.
- Filing an informal report or anonymous report with the Center for Gender and Relationships. There is no time limit for filing any kind of on-campus report.
- Filing a police report/calling 911.
Additional Options
- Talking with friends about your experiences.
- Moving rooms on campus, or moving off campus.
- Obtaining a 50B or 50C No Contact Order, (a type of restraining order).
- Engaging in artistic endeavors or other activity toward healing.
- And other options that may be right for you.
- The Counseling Center is happy to assist with navigating any of the aforementioned options.
8.3.17 Title IX Statement
Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities operated by recipients of Federal financial assistance. Prohibited sex discrimination covers sexual harassment, including sexual violence. “Sexual violence refers to physical sexual acts perpetrated against a person’s will or where a person is incapable of giving consent due to the victim’s use of drugs or alcohol, or due to an intellectual or other disability. Sexual violence includes rape, sexual assault, sexual battery and sexual coercion. All such acts of violence are forms of sexual harassment covered under Title IX.”
The Equal Opportunity, Harassment, and Nondiscrimination policy is in compliance with Title IX and reflects the intent and activity required by Title IX. Any reports of discrimination on the basis of sex, including sexual harassment and other forms of sexual violence, will be reviewed by the Title IX Coordinator; as well all Title IX compliance efforts will be administered by the Title IX Coordinator. You can contact your Title IX Coordinator at any time to ask about this policy or Title IX itself.
The Warren Wilson College Title IX Coordinator is:
Tacci Smith,
Dodge House
PO Box 9000
Asheville, NC 28815-9000
Phone: 828.771.3802; Email: [email protected];
Or you can contact:
U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, at (800) 421-3481 or [email protected].
If you wish to fill out a complaint form online, you may do so at:
Warren Wilson College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national or ethnic origin, sex, gender, age, marital status, disability, or sexual orientation.
8.3.18 Jeanne Clery Statement
Warren Wilson College complies with the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990, also known as the Jeanne Clery Act. The College compiles a report that not only lists statistics on certain crimes that are reported on campus, but also reports on security policies the College maintains. The act requires campuses to report occurrences of the following crimes: murder, rape, aggravated assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft, as well as violations of the liquor laws, drug abuse and weapons violations. The reports are made available to all current employees, students, prospective students, employees and anyone requesting a copy. In the event of crimes or situations that are considered to pose a threat to the College community, the act requires the College to notify the college community in a timely manner. This determination will be made by the Director of Public Safety, in consultation with the Vice President of Student Life. The College will make timely notice to the college community utilizing options such as the college newspaper, email, and flyers distributed to the college community, etc.
For more information on the Jeanne Clery Act at Warren Wilson College, go to: The College reserves the right to disclose to the community information about sex offenders that are accepted as members of the Warren Wilson community. Such information that can be shared includes, but is not limited to, the person’s name and address; a physical description of the person; the type of vehicle that the person is known to drive; any conditions or restrictions placed upon the person’s probation, parole, post-prison supervision or conditional release; a description of the person’s method of offense; a current photograph of the person; and the name and telephone number of the person’s parole and probation officer.
This policy borrows language and information from:; Antioch College, SUNY Albany, University of Rochester, Brown University, Oberlin College, Barnard/Columbia, and Mars Hill College;;;;; and
Additional Information:
Programs to prevent dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking: visit here and here.
Registered sex offender information:
Sex Offender Registration
In accordance with the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act of 2000, which amends the Jeanne Clery Act, this report includes information on locating Registered Sex Offender information in the local area. The act requires institutions of higher education to issue a statement advising the campus community where law enforcement information provided by the state concerning registered sex offenders may be obtained. To locate sex offender information in North Carolina you can access the North Carolina Sex Offenders and Public Protection Registry at
The College reserves the right to disclose to the community information about sex offenders that are accepted as members of the Warren Wilson community. Such information that can be shared includes, but is not limited to, the person’s name and address, a physical description of the person, the type of vehicle that the person is known to drive, any conditions or restrictions placed upon the person’s probation, parole, post-prison supervision or conditional release, a description of the person’s method of offense, a current photograph of the person, and the name and telephone number of the person’s parole and probation officer.