2024-2025 Warren Wilson College

Cost Breakdown


Listed below are the direct costs a student is allowed within the Cost of Attendance

  Semester Year
Tuition: $20,240 $40,480
Housing and Food: $6,252 $13,050
Fees: $510 1,020
Total Estimated  Costs: $27,002  $54,550


Listed below are the indirect costs a student is allowed within the Cost of Attendance

Books and Supplies $800
Transportation $1,800
Miscellaneous $500
Total Estimated Indirect Costs: $3,100


Click Here for a detailed list of charges for 2024-2025

What's Included in my Cost of Attendance

Your cost of attendance is made up of two different types of costs: direct and indirect.


  • Direct costs are items that will appear on your student billing statement, such as tuition, fees, food, and housing. This is the cost of a Warren Wilson education.
  • Indirect costs will not appear on your student account statement but are estimated costs associated with attending college and should be included in your financial aid budget. These include items like books, supplies, equipment, transportation, living expenses, and personal/miscellaneous expenses. 

        The Cost of Attendance may be adjusted based on the following factors:

    • Number of enrolled credit hours 
    • Cost of Living Expenses
    • Study abroad expenses
    • Transportation expenses
    • Dependent Care
    • Disability-related expenses
    • Other Miscellaneous Educational expenses
  • If you wish for the financial aid office to review your Cost of Attendance please complete a COA Adjustment Form